103: Reel Hooligans versus The Civil War Guys

    Whose side are you on? Captain America or Iron Man? We all hate it when our friends fight. Unless it’s a bunch of comic book super heroes, then…whatever. Join the Reel Hooligans as they take on the new Marvel blockbuster, Captain America: Civil War. It’s a jam-packed episode. Bryan O’Connor returns for another round of […]

    102: Reel Hooligans versus The Underdogs of Infinite Madness

    The ultimate battle for the Greatest Sports Movie of All-Time begins! This week on Reel Hooligans!! — Introducing Hooligan Movie Madness!! Tim and the Reel Hooligans will crown the BEST. SPORTS. MOVIE. EVER!! — with a 32-movie single elimination tournament to crown a champion and determine once and for all, the greatest sports movie EVER! […]

    101: Reel Hooligans versus Batman and Superman

    DC’s Greatest Heroes are Finally United for a Crappy Movie Meanwhile, in the inaugural episode of Tim and the Reel Hooligans… The Hooligans face their greatest foe(s) ever! It’s Batman and Superman! Together! For the first time, EVER!! This is gonna be awesome…right?….Right?!?!??? But is it as epic as it should have been? Does Batman […]

  • Bryan Ponce
    Bryan Ponce, Hooligan Writer

    Location: Kansas City (United States) | Twitter: NA Awkward 22-year-old that loves reading books, watching good movies and occasionally taking pictures of nature. One of my favorite things to do is discuss movie lore with my brother, while eating junk food in our living room. Zodiac: Libra Secret Identity: Cheerful and Friendly employee at Cinemark […]

  • 2016 Movie Reviews
    Clara Grecuccio, International Correspondent

    Location: Casarano (LE), (Italy) |  Twitter: @ClaraGrecuccio1 I am too young to have a lot of experience, but my dreams are great enough to put myself out there. I’m currently a college student and creative writing teacher at a vocational training school. Every moment I promise to myself,  “ One day I’ll be a writer.” Now, […]