• Movie Reviews
    Tim’s Best of 2016

    There’s no point in dwelling on how incredibly disappointing 2016 was at the theatres. Yeah, there was some crap, but if you managed to stick around for the end, there was a pay off with several good, although maybe not great, flicks. Here’s what I’ll call my Best of 2016, in alpha order. 10 Cloverfield […]

  • David Cain
    David’s Best of 2016

    I am not a critic. Not in the classical sense of the word, when it comes to reviewing movies and TV. I am simply a ginger that can’t go outside, so I watch lots of movies, and since everyone on the internet is a critic, I thought I would give it a go. I don’t […]

  • Movie Reviews
    Tim’s Worst of 2016

    I’m a little late on this one. But unfortunately, the pain of 2016 is still pretty fresh in my mind. The good thing about looking back on such a crappy year at the movie theatres is I realized I missed A LOT of movies that were considered among the worst of the year. So, it […]

  • Bryan Ponce
    Bryan Ponce, Hooligan Writer

    Location: Kansas City (United States) | Twitter: NA Awkward 22-year-old that loves reading books, watching good movies and occasionally taking pictures of nature. One of my favorite things to do is discuss movie lore with my brother, while eating junk food in our living room. Zodiac: Libra Secret Identity: Cheerful and Friendly employee at Cinemark […]

  • 2016 Movie Reviews
    Clara Grecuccio, International Correspondent

    Location: Casarano (LE), (Italy) |  Twitter: @ClaraGrecuccio1 I am too young to have a lot of experience, but my dreams are great enough to put myself out there. I’m currently a college student and creative writing teacher at a vocational training school. Every moment I promise to myself,  “ One day I’ll be a writer.” Now, […]